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Chatting with universal and kaomoji emoticons
Senin, 17 Januari 2011
If you're accustomed to chatting on the internet, surely you often use the symbols of 'emotion' to express your moods on your opponent's chat. The use of symbols emotion while chatting, basically classified into three types, namely short, a universal emotion, and emotion kaomoji. Through the use of these symbols, we no longer need to type these lines to express our feelings.
The use of acronyms, is devoted to expressions that are often expressed in everyday language (in English, ed.) While kaomoji universal emotion and emotion, is the use of the kinds of characters are available on the keyboard, so as to resemble a certain facial expressions, such as anger, sadness, and laughter. But what distinguishes the two (universal and kaomoji), kaomoji symbols, widespread use and comes from the land of japan.
The following examples use emotion symbols, which you can try while chatting. Guaranteed, you're going to enjoy while chatting ria ....
A / S / L? = Age / Sex / Location?
BRB = Be Right Back
BBL = Be back later
BBIIAF = Be back in a flash
BTW = By The Way
Cul = See You Later
F2F = Face To Face
FYA = For Your Amusement
FYI = For Your Information
HHOK = Ha .. ha .. Only Kidding
TNX = Thank's
OIC = Oh, I see
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
OTOH = On The Other Hand
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
OTF = On The Floor
ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing
YMMSVH = You Make Me So Very Happy
NP = No Problem
RE = Hi again
J / K = Just Kidding
WB = Welcome back
Universal emotion:
:-) Or:) = Good / smile.
:-( Or: (= sad / disappointed
: - 0 or: - o = Shocked / surprised
: - @ = Screaming
: - <= Sad once
: - | | = Angry
:-D = Laughter
: '- (= Crying
;-) = Blinking
% -) = Happiness - confused
% - (= Sad - confused
: - / Or: - \ = Think-think
: P = tease
Kaomoji Emotion:
(^_^) Or (^-^) = Smile
(^ 0 ^) = Laughter width
(^.^) = Smiles knot
\ (^ 0 ^ 0) / = Sing merrily
(^ 3 ^) = cry
(*^-^*) = Smiles ashamed, embarrassed
(O ^ - ^ o) = Smiles blush
("-";) = Feeling annoyed
(-_-;;) = Nervous
f (^_^) = scratch your head rake
(T_T) = Crying
(; _;) = Tears
("~") = Manyun
(>_<) = Furious
(-_-#) = Angry
(+_+) = Bete
(X_X) = Dizziness
(X_X #) = Dizzy beaten
(?_?)...??? = Wondering to myself
(@_@) = Glared, wondering
(_ _) .. Zzzz = Sleep
(_ _ ") .. Zzzz = Bored to oversleep
m (_ _) m = Apply
w (^ _ ^) = Listening
(* ^ 3 ^) = Kissing
(*^.^*) = Kiss
(=_=) Or (# ^ ^ #) = Embarrassed to blush
(_ _) .. OOOO = Dreaming
Ø (..) = Write
((((((;^ ^) = Run
C = C = (; '_') = Hurrying
(O_ _) o = Desperate
(^ _ ^) D = shaking thumb
(^ _ ^) V = sign peace
(P ^ ^) p = invites brantem
y (^ o ^) y ~ ~ ~ = Smoking
Label: Chatting, emoticons, kaomoji, universal
posted by Renait @ 16.43,
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